Ethyl & Tank is a restaurant and bar in the heart of Columbus’ college campus town.
The restaurant needed a brand refresh, merch, and new menus to match the remodeling happening inside the venue. The audience of the restaurant is hip and young adult college attendees and we wanted the branding to match the energy of the already established locals.
Menu Design
Art Direction
Rachel Meiring
Shayna Stebbins

Ethyl & Tank needed a simple and clean logo refresh, so I kept the classic goat and updated the typography.
The secondary logo offers a retro feel to match the rustic elements inside the restaurant and is a nod to the location’s original logo.
I also looked to Shayna for the illustrations, including the mascots used in a secondary version of the logo. All of the characters and food and drinks were drawn by her. The drawings added a breath of youth to the otherwise mature content.
For E&T’s “Tank Night” special, I desgined refillable jugs.
I created stickers to go over the jugs as a cost saving solution vs printing. These served as the Tanks for their special events. Bar goers were encouraged to bring back their Tanks for discounted drinks.

There were a few different directions that we went with the menu at first. From super illustrative to modern and textured, we landed on a mockup of a record sleeve as a nod to the music events featured at the location.
the first drafts
the final menus